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Apple & Pear Juices Set (1000ml)

Apple & Pear Juices Set (1000ml)

Apple & Pear Juices

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{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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Apple & Pear Juices Set (1000ML)

Fuji Apple Juice + Pear Juice (1000ML)

Fuji Apple Juice (1000mL)

Material: 100% Fuji Apple
Efficacy: Helps prevent constipation and lower cholesterol
Features: Apples are rich in water-soluble fiber-pectin, which can make the stool absorb more water and make the waste softer, so that it can pass through the intestine more easily

Pear Juice (1000mL)

Material: pear

Main functions: clearing sweetness and nourishing the lungs, clearing heat and detoxifying

1. It has the effect of nourishing the lungs and relieving cough

Beer is cool, so in addition to clearing away heat, it can also moisten the lungs and relieve cough. Squeezing pears into pear juice and drinking it can effectively relieve pain in the throat and remove phlegm from the throat, which is very effective for coughs caused by fever. At the same time, dry cough symptoms with less phlegm can also be used to moisten the throat and relieve cough by drinking pear juice.

2. It has the effect of replenishing water

More than 80% of a glass of pear juice is water, which helps replenish water in the body.

3. There are symptoms of osteoporosis prevention

In addition to lignin, pear seeds also contain boron, which can prevent osteoporosis. Put the pears containing pear seeds into a juicer to make pear juice, and drinking it regularly can prevent osteoporosis. At the same time, the boron element in pear seeds can also improve memory. Drinking more pear juice is good for children and the elderly.

4. Health care, lower cholesterol

Pears have many health effects. Producing body fluids, quenching thirst and clearing phlegm are the most important functions of pears. Regular consumption can also lower blood pressure, prevent heart disease, and reduce the occurrence of insomnia symptoms. Pear seeds contain lignin, which is an insoluble fiber, but it will dissolve when it enters the human intestine, combine with cholesterol in the intestine, and then be excreted through the bladder. Therefore, pear seeds can lower the cholesterol level in the body.

5. Protect the liver, reduce fire, detoxify and hangover

There are a lot of carotene, vitamins and some natural acidic components in pears. After eating, it can moisten the lungs and clear away heat, reduce inflammation and fire, and at the same time quickly eliminate alcohol and toxins in the body. Eating pears after drinking can quickly hangover.

Nutritional value of pears:

1. Pears contain protein, fiber, vitamin C, phosphorus, sodium, iron, potassium, etc.

2. Pears are rich in carotene, vitamins B1, B2 and malic acid.

3. Pear pectin content is very high, and it is also rich in vitamin B, glycosides and tannin
Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • Local delivery (Cold-Pressed Juice & Fruit/Fruit Cup/Fruit Platter) (Free shipping over $1000hkd) (Hong Kong Island)
  • Local delivery (Cold-Pressed Juice & Fruit/Fruit Cup/Fruit Platter) (Free shipping over $840hkd) (N.T. & Kowloon)
  • Pick up at store (Cold-Pressed Juice)
  • Local delivery (Cold-Pressed Juice) (Free shipping over $1000hkd) (Same-day delivery)
  • Local delivery (Cold-Pressed Juice) (Free shipping over $300hkd)

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • Apple Pay
  • WeChat Pay
  • Octopus
  • Payme
  • Alipay (HK)_SHOPLINE Payments
  • PayPal
  • Bank Transfer
Customer Reviews
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